Sabtu, Februari 15, 2025
BerandaHUKUM & KRIMINALRiau Islands Regional Police Hand over Fraud Suspect to Chinese Police

Riau Islands Regional Police Hand over Fraud Suspect to Chinese Police

Batam, – The Riau Islands Regional Police’s Special Criminal Investigation Directorate succeeded in uncovering the fraudulent practice of Love Scamming in Batam, this action arrested 132 Chinese citizens as suspects. After the data collection and investigation process was complete, the fraudster was deported under the escort of Chinese police using 3 planes.

Director of Ditreskrimsus Kombes Pol Nasriadi was seen directly overseeing and managing the deportation process at Batam’s Hang Nadim Airport. It was clear that Nasriadi was quick to direct the personnel to lead hundreds of Chinese citizens to the chartered plane.

Riau Islands Regional Police Chief Inspector General. Pol. Drs. Tabana Bangun, M.Si., said that this success could not be separated from the hard work of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Riau Islands, Divhubinter Polri, and the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) who joined hands in a joint operation.

This operation was led by the Dirreskrimsus Polda Kepri, Kombes. Pol. Nasriadi, S.H., S.I.K., M.H., as well as the Head of Jatinter Divhubinter Polri Police Commissioner. Pol. Audie S. Latuheru, S.I.K., M.Sc. The arrest of foreign nationals (WNA) in Batam took place in two stages. The first occurred on August 29 2023 in the Cammo industrial area, where 90 (ninety) Foreign Citizens (WNA) of the People’s Republic of China were successfully detained. 85 (eighty five) of them are men and 5 (five) women.

“The second arrest which took place on September 5 2023 in Behind Padang involved 42 (forty two) Foreign Nationals (WNA) of the People’s Republic of China, with details of 34 (thirty four) people being men and 8 (eight) people being women .” explained the Riau Islands Regional Police Chief, Inspector General.

Pol. Drs. Tabana Bangun, M.Sc. Kadivhubinter National Police Headquarters Inspector General. Pol. Krishna Murti, S.I.K., M.Sc., M.M., explained that the total number of suspects who were successfully arrested by the National Police in connection with the _love scamming_ case amounted to 153 (one hundred and fifty three) people in 2 (two) locations, namely Batam City and Singkawang, all of whom came from the country foreigners, including citizens of China, Vietnam and other countries.

The total number of suspects who were arrested in the Batam area, Riau Islands was 132 (one hundred thirty two) people and 21 (twenty one) other suspects were detained in the jurisdiction of the West Kalimantan Regional Police.

“Even though no victims were found from Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia Police will never allow its territory to be used to commit crimes. “That’s why law enforcement was carried out in this case in the jurisdiction of the Riau Islands Regional Police to show that Indonesia is a country that is not safe for perpetrators of criminal acts.” Kadivhubinter Police Headquarters Inspector General emphasized. Pol. Krishna Murti, S.I.K., M.Si., M.(*/lid)



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